Reno Pain

Trigger Point Injection

Best Trigger Point Injection Doctors in Reno, Sparks and Carson City, Nevada.

Trigger Point Injection

A painful “knot” or pressure point in your muscle can be annoying in the short term, but can become problematic if experienced for days or weeks on end. Additionally,  These sensitive points are called trigger points and can be tricky to treat. Moreover, The reason why is because where the pain is felt and where the pain originates can be two separate locations in the body. However, trigger point injections are a safe and incredibly helpful treatment to help patients finally experience relief from chronic myofascial pain. Additionally, The Nevada Advanced Pain Specialists in the Reno, Sparks and Carson City areas can successfully help patients who have flare ups of pain, with a goal to provide immediate and long-term pain relief. 

What is a Trigger Point Injection?

Additionally, A trigger point injection is an injection of medication, usually an anesthetic and possibly a corticosteroid, that helps to relieve pain and decrease muscle spasm. Moreover, Trigger point injections have proven a helpful treatment for painful areas of the muscle where there is a “knot,” which is when the muscles don’t relax. Most patients who experience trigger points feel pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, legs and low back. 

Trigger points occur as a result of fascia that becomes tight or constricted. Furthermore, The fascia is a thin web of tissue that covers our muscles and organs, and they are very sensitive to touch and pressure. If a person has experienced a traumatic event, or a series of smaller, repetitive traumas (such as a repeated exercise movement), this can cause stress on the fascia. So, This stress can lead the muscle to be stuck in a contracted state, which feels like a knot.

Not only can this cause feelings of pain in the muscle where the trigger point is located, but it can also lead to referred pain as a person compensates for the restricted movement caused by the trigger point itself. This can decrease a person’s quality of life. They may find their movements are limited due to the pain caused by the trigger point.

Trigger point injections provide pain relief to the affected muscle. They also help the muscle release from a contracted and tightened state. They are also used to treat certain types of headaches that originate from trigger points in some muscles of the skull or neck. 

What Conditions Can Trigger Point Injections Treat?

Trigger point injections commonly treat myofascial pain syndrome. MPS is a chronic pain condition affecting muscles and their surrounding fascia. This fascia holds muscles in place. It can unfortunately occur in any part of the body, and is characterized by chronic pain in multiple trigger points and fascial constrictions. Over time, these constrictions can lead to small, localized areas of pain within the muscle. 

A person might experience myofascial pain syndrome for various reasons. Additionally, These include muscle injuries and diseases of the fascia or connective tissue. Cancer and its treatments can also damage the fascia. Moreover, Autoimmune conditions and continued stress or anxiety may contribute as well.

Additional health factors and medical conditions that can contribute to the formation of trigger points include: 
  • Degenerative arthritis
  • Emotional distress
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscular strain, fatigue and/or trauma
  • Radiculopathy (pain from a pinched nerve)
  • Gallbladder diseases
  • Herniated disc
  • Spinal stenosis

Myofascial pain and trigger points are very common. Most people will experience this type of pain at some point in their life. But, partnering with a pain management specialist as soon as you can will allow you to quickly and comfortably find relief. 

What Does a Trigger Point Injection Involve?

A trigger point injection is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure. The patient can return home the same day. Moreover, Depending on the location of the trigger point, the patient will be lying down or sitting on the exam table. The provider will utilize an ultrasound to accurately determine the location of the trigger point before sterilizing the area. A topical anesthetic can be used if the patient is uncomfortable. Once determining the desired location, the provider will inject the medication, which is an anesthetic and possibly a corticosteroid, that helps to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation. 

The provider may use multiple injections in the same area based on the size of the trigger point. The goal is to provide greater coverage and fully relax the muscle.

On average, the entire procedure takes less than an hour. Most patients are encouraged to take it easy for the first 24 hours after the injection, so as not to aggravate the muscle. Light stretching or exercise the following 24 hours could help to relax the muscle and provide the best result possible. 

What are the Benefits and Risks of Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger point injections are a safe option for patients who are suffering from pain associated with trigger points. They are a minimally-invasive option for patients who haven’t been able to find relief with conservative methods (such as physical therapy), and can provide almost immediate relief, as well as increased range of motion and mobility. 

As with any medical procedure, there are risks. The most common being bleeding or infection at the injection site. Additional risks are associated with the medication itself and include numbness or discomfort in the chest, sensory issues and a temporary headache. It’s important to discuss your health and medical history with your provider to determine if you are a candidate for trigger point injections. Patients who suffer from blood clotting disorders or are pregnant are not eligible for this treatment method. 

If you believe you are suffering from chronic pain that is due to trigger points in your muscles, please schedule an appointment with the Nevada Advanced Pain Specialists in the Reno, Sparks and Carson City areas. Our team can help you to experience pain relief now, as well as help you to avoid more intensive treatments to treat the pain in the future.

Trigger point injection (TPI)

Trigger point injection (TPI) may be an option in treating pain for some patients. TPI is a procedure used to treat painful areas of muscle that contain trigger points, or knots of muscle that form when muscles do not relax. Many times, such knots can be felt under the skin. Trigger points may irritate the nerves around them and cause referred pain, or pain that is felt in another part of the body.

In the TPI procedure, a health care professional inserts a small needle into the patient’s trigger point. The injection contains a local anesthetic that sometimes includes a corticosteroid. With the injection, the trigger point is made inactive and the pain is alleviated. Usually, a brief course of treatment will result in sustained relief. Injections are given in a doctor’s office and usually take just a few minutes. Several sites may be injected in one visit. If a patient has an allergy to a certain drug, a dry-needle technique (involving no medications) can be used

Nevada Advanced Pain Specialists is recognized as an industry leader in pain management. We have a state-of-the-art facility in Reno, Nevada, that allows for us to offer the highest possible level of quality care of our patients.

We are committed to providing a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach for each individual’s pain complaints to provide the most appropriate care. Our approach includes analysis of biomechanics, joint motion, as well as skeletal, nerve and muscle tissues. Every individual is evaluated for the root cause of their pain – not just a “quick fix” approach to only provide symptomatic relief.

Your pain will be evaluated with latest diagnostic tools and technologies used by the professionals at Nevada Advanced Pain Specialists to make accurate assessments including: EMG/Nerve testing, MRIs, x-rays, bone scans, and diagnostic pain injections.

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At Nevada Advanced Pain Specialists, we know that you want to get back to living a pain-free life. To do that you need a pain management team you can trust. The problem is there are so many pain clinics that do not listen to you and treat you like a statistic which makes you feel frustrated.

We understand your pain and suffering. We believe you should be treated the way we would treat our own mom or dad which is how we have treated our patients for the past 15 years.


So, request an appointment today. And in the meantime, watch this patient success story. So, you can stop struggling with pain and instead get back to living your life again.

Cervical Epidural Steroid Injection

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